
Sunday, February 1, 2009

Heat Wave!

It's been 35 degrees here the past few days. That is a tropical heat wave for Minnesota! I took my very first trip to Whole Foods yesterday, and most people were wearing only a sweatshirt--no jackets needed here when the temp gets above freezing!

We're all nuts.

I'm trying to eat healthier, so I decided I should check out Whole Foods. I've heard many good things about this place. My conclusion? It's just alright. I found a couple cool things, which I couldn't get at a regular grocery store. But I won't be doing the bulk of my shopping there. I'll go to get a few key items and that's about it...

To go along with my healthier lifestyle, I joined the 20SB Biggest Loser team! and I found out I am on the Green Team. I'm not sure exactly what the rules are, or what the challenges will be. But hopefully this is cool and at the very least helps give me some more motivation.

Time to watch some Lifetime movies until the Superbowl starts. (You know you secretly watch these on Sunday afternoons too! Don't kid!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello from a fellow green team member! it's nice that you have a place to get some good food items, my eating habits definitely need to improve as well but the health food place near me is kinda expensive.